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Softboard surfboards, also called corkboard, are perfect for learning to surf, they are boards that offer exceptional buoyancy due to their construction with an EPS (polystyrene) core and their measurements. Being soft, they are also the safest boards to learn, ideal for children. But the softboards are also perfect for adults who know how to surf, but want a fun board to have fun on days with bad and small waves. Hence, many parents, good surfers, share a board with their children in the learning phase.

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Frequently asked questions about softboards

What softboard to buy?

You must buy a softboard surfboard that suits your level of surfing and your height. We have a wide selection of corchopanes, for all levels, and all sizes. From beginner softboards to softtops from the best brands, for advanced surfers. In our blog article " utilities and characteristics of a softboard ", we explain it to you in detail, so that you are right when buying your softboard in Mundo Surf .

How to repair a softboard?

You must repair your softboard surfboard with suitable products that will not damage your board. We recommend the Solarez brand spongerez for softboards , and the Solarez softboard repair kit for softtops (fiberglass reinforced softboards), or any other type of epoxy resin-based repairer. It is very important not to use polyester resin, since softboards have an EPS core, incompatible with polyester resin.

What is surf softboard?

A softboard is a soft surfboard , finished with foam, commonly called corchopan. They are made with a polystyrene foam base called EPS, and covered with higher density polyethylene foam. Some softboards, called softtops, also have fiberglass with epoxy resin for better performance.