Padang-Padang SL
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RGPD & privacy Policy

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Implementation of a contract and consent.

In case of disagreement, the user has the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory Authority of your country.

All data requested through the website are mandatory and are a requirement to enter into a contract, as they are necessary for the provision of optimal service to the user. The user is obliged to provide the requested personal data. In the event that not all data are provided, there is no guarantee that the information and services provided are completely tailored to your needs.

In the framework of the compliance with the current legislation included in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on protection of Data of Personal Character (LOPD), whose object is guarantee and protect, with regard to the processing of personal data, freedoms and fundamental rights of physical persons, and especially their honor and personal privacy, we inform you of the existence of a file containing data of a personal nature.

In addition, through the establishment of the RGPD, the user european acquires a series of new rights in relation to the protection and privacy of their data, among them stand out as most important the following:

Right to Access (Art. 15):

The user can request the data controller confirmation of whether you are trying or not personal data concerning him, such as:
• The object of the treatment
• Categories of personal data processed
• Recipients or categories of recipients that were reported such data
• The existence of automated decisions, including the development of profiles, applied logic and consequences.

Right to Rectification (Art. 16):

The interested party has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him / her, taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to complete the personal data that are incomplete.

Right to be Forgotten or Erasure (Art. 17):

The interested user has the right to obtain without undue delay from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him / her, either when the person concerned objects to such treatment, when the personal data have been unlawfully processed or when no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected.

Right to Portability (Art. 20):

The user shall have the right to receive the personal data is relevant, that you have provided to a controller, in a structured format, use a common and readable, and to pass them on to other responsible for the treatment.

The right to Opposition (Art. 21):

The interested party has the right to oppose at any time, for reasons relating to his particular situation, to personal data concerning him or her are the object of treatment, including the development of profiles.

Right to the limitation of the treatment:

The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the restriction of processing of the data. When the processing of personal data is limited, may only be object of treatment for its conservation, with the consent of the person concerned, for the formulation, exercise or defence of claims, with a view to the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of public interest. All interested who have obtained the limitation of the treatment will be informed by the controller before the lifting of that limitation.

Right to withdraw consent at any time:

The right to object, and the portability of personal data. Is established as a right of the interested party to receive all those personal data that are relevant and that you have provided to a responsible person, as long as the treatment based on the consent, or is necessary for the execution of a contract and the same is carried out by automated means.

End of treatment:

The personal data that the user facilitates to us are necessary to:

- The sending of your order

- The issuance of corresponding invoices

- The sending of e-mail transactional that will inform you of every stage in the processing of your order

- Sending by e-mail, through the company, reviews-verified, a quality survey about our services and products.

- The sending of our newsletter (if outside the case, only if the user requests it) where we will keep you informed by email about news, offers, tips, which may be of interest to you.

- The processing of orders, requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the forms of contact that are made available to you.

- The realization of statistical studies.

When you register in Mundo-surf.com the user agrees to provide valid personal information, allowing you to Padang-Padang SL compliance of the service offered and the sending of tracking information of your order. At any time, the user may change or update your data in my personal data and my addressin your customer account.

Communication of the data:

Padang-Padang SL has the personal data of its users, which are stored in a file property of Padang-Padang SL, and that it complies with the regulations in force regarding data protection and e-commerce. We also have a security certificate RAPIDSSL:

This protects the information that you send from your computer to our server. Is sent in encrypted form with a strength of 256-bit, thus avoiding safety problems, and avoiding that your data will end up in the hands of people ill-intentioned.

Your contact data will be transferred to:

- The transport company to make delivery of the order.

- Our tax advisory in-charge of the tax treatment.

- Developers of websites and the company which provides us with hosting on their servers.

All of them are regularized with us the access to those data for the purpose exclusively described here. They are not going to commit to any other third party for treatment, except for legal obligations.

Criteria of conservation of the data:

The data is kept as long as there is a mutual interest to keep the end of treatment and when no longer needed for such purpose, shall be cancelled with the appropriate security measures to ensure the seudonimización of the data or the total destruction of the same.

Contact information to exercise their rights:

The responsible for this file and its treatment is Padang-Padang, SL, with registered address in Parque Tecnológico CITEC, Calle Manuel Trillo de Leyva, 27, 41120 Gelves, Spain.

Any registered user can, at any time, exercise the right to access, rectify or cancel their personal data supplied to shipping, and to oppose their treatment. You can do so by making a written request, signed and accompanied by a photocopy of your identity card, directed by postal mail to:

Padang-Padang SL

Parque Industrial GUADALQUIVIR

Calle Tecnologia, 22

41120 Gelves, Spain

or by e-mail to the DPO (data protection officer) Sébastien Rault: dpo@mundo-surf.com