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Frequently asked questions about junior sunglasses

Where to buy sunglasses?

In Mundo surf you can find your perfect sunglasses. If you are one of those who lives an active life and spends a lot of time outside, in our online store you will find glasses with UV protection so that your eyes are not damaged by the sun or light. Our variety of models will appeal to all kinds of tastes: the most elegant, those looking for a modern or lifestyle design, and those looking for something classic with a sporty touch.

How to choose sunglasses?

First think about the use you are going to give it. If you are going to use it to practice outdoor sports, you need ones that have 100% UV protection to protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays. In Mundo Surf you can choose between different accessories and models of glasses, both for children, men or women, who want to protect their eyes from the sun while they enjoy surfing, bodyboarding or their favorite activity.