Padang-Padang SL
€ 5 discount on APP - Code APP2018

Ignacio Garcia Benitez (Team Manager)


Sport: Bodyboard

Nacimiento: 12/08/1990 en Seville, Spain.

Instagram: @ignabb

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ignaciobb90

Common spots: El Faro de Trafalgar, Caños de Meca, y Sagres

Favorite spots: La Caleta de Tenerife, Beliche y el Club

Used material:

- Bodyboard SCIENCE Pro PP 41''

- Bodyboard SCIENCE Launch LTD 41,5"

- Leash GYROLL Variable Strap

- Aletas VIPER Delta


- 5th classified in the Spanish championship by communities with the Andalusian team

- 2nd and 3rd place in the Andalusian Championship

- 4th classified Spanish championship test

- Top 10 national ranking 2017