Padang-Padang SL
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Social and environmental commitment

As the online surf shop that we are, it is important for us to have a social commitment to the surfing community and to the environment. That is why at mundo-surf we are committed to:

1.support the riders

Over the years, we have been building a team of surf and bodyboard riders. The goal is to support a wide range of riders, from local heroes to world champions, not forgetting young hopefuls.

(above, from left to right)@irementeria and @brunito_martin.
(bottom) @amaurylavernhe

2. Support the championships

The surfing and bodyboarding championships give life to the surfing community, it is a meeting point, a motivation for the riders, and that is why from mundo-surf we want to support these initiatives, both locally and nationally.

(PhotoArriba. Estepona Bodyboard Open, below. Yerbabuena Surfing Championship, Barbate)

3. Use recycled packaging whenever possible

We use 90% recyclable materials in our packaging, and we work to improve this ratio.

Cardboard boxes, padding paper, and gummed paper tape represent 60% of the packaging used. In them, 100% of the packaging material used is made of recycled cardboard and paper, and will be recycled again.

In bodyboards we use recycled cardboard boxes made to measure, which we also close with our recycled and recyclable gummed paper tape. For greater protection of the surfboards, we wrap them in bubble wrap, as long as we find a more ecological material that offers good protection.

In surfboards, we use two cardboard boxes, also made to measure by a local supplier, and recycled cardboard. The most fragile and pre-shape models are also reinforced with EPS foam (polystyrene), a material that is also easily recycled. Only bubble wrap and zip ties and zip ties are unfriendly to the environment. We are aware of them and continue to look for solutions.

For small, non-fragile items, we use plastic bags made from 70% recycled plastic. Plastic bags are never ideal on an environmental level because they can always end up where they shouldn't. For this reason, it is important that you throw them in the container provided for this purpose.

4. Offer environmentally friendly products

Surf brands are always more aware of the importance of caring for the environment. At mundo-surf, we are committed to supporting these initiatives by offering for sale all the organic products of the brands with which we work, as long as they have an affordable price. They are usually a little more expensive, but you can choose whether to pay a little more to have an organic product. From surf sun creams, surf grips to wetsuits, you will find a wide range of eco products on the web.

5. Reduce our electricity consumption in our facilities

Our facilities are optimized to offer natural light throughout the working day. The roof has polycarbonate sheets, and the glass windows on the walls let in natural light, both in the warehouse area and in the offices. And since our working hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., we hardly use artificial light. The greenest energy is the one we don't use... And for the rest of our electricity consumption, we are working to install photovoltaic panels, and thus be able to use 100% green energy produced locally.

6. Sort waste and garbage generated

Sending our products to any place in the world also generates waste at the time of receiving the merchandise as well as the preparation of shipments. All plastics, cardboard and waste are duly recycled in their corresponding containers or reused to prepare and protect the shipments that we generate.

7. Support sociocultural initiatives

We support initiatives related to surf culture and the environment. In each event that we participate we try to promote our philosophy, we place recycling containers and organize waste collection raids.

We also organize championships for charity such as the World - Surf Pirate Contest where all the money raised is donated to Save The Children.

From Mundo - Surf we support the social and cultural initiatives that are proposed to us and we try to instill the philosophy of life of Surfing in the little ones, since they are the future.

(Above: awards ceremony at the yerbabuena-barbare surfing championship. Below from left to right: Pirate Contest online world-surfing championship during the covid 19 confinement for Save de Children. Below right: Wipe Out film festival in Mallorca )